Moringa seems to be the green superfood on my radar lately so I thought I would buy some moringa powder and try it out. It turns out that it does not mix well in water. Thankfully, this discovery led to me finding another creative and delicious way to get all of that antioxidant, nutrient-dense goodness…enter Moringa Bites! I added some walnuts and coconut oil for some protein and healthy fats, dates to hold everything together and ended up with these delicious and nutritious Walnut Moringa Bites. Enjoy!

Walnut Moringa Bites

Prep time: 10 minutes


2 TBSP moringa powder

1 TBSP coconut oil

1/2 cup walnuts

1/2 cup medjool dates (about 4 or 5)


Blend ingredients in a food processor

Roll into bite sized balls

Store in fridge